Hitchens liberal wisdom

This category contains 4 posts

Can Independent Thinking influence why do you do what you do?

The independent mind. What a beautiful thought. I often think about a collective attitude, integration in a team environment and commonality of purpose when I think about the places I have worked and what my passion is; project management. I am wondering if you, whatever you do, consider the people you work with like-minded? Do … Continue reading

The CATastropy of a DOG’s (or God’s) world

“Owners of dogs will have noticed that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they will think you are god. Whereas owners of cats are compelled to realize that, if you provide them with food and water and shelter and affection, they draw the conclusion that they are gods.” Christopher … Continue reading

A New Year brings a new approach: 2012 here we go!

And with that sentiment I wish you all a Happy New Year! Mr. Christopher Hitchens can really turn a phrase. If you think about it, it’s good, really, really good. If I take it in the context of religion, a topic that he spent a lot of his time on, it seems that we should … Continue reading

Christopher Hitchens: Enjoy your next journey.

There goes on of my heroes. Clearly I didn’t know Christopher Hitchens however it seemed that I was (is it was?) on a similar wavelength, maybe not intellectually but I certainly understood and identified with his candour and humour. Terms such as “intellectual honesty” and “an extraordinary polemicist” were recently used to describe his character. … Continue reading

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